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Ernst co-sponsors legislation to combat terrorists' use of social media

By Ryan Matheny

(Washington, D.C.) -- A Joni Ernst-backed bill dealing with combat terrorist use of social media has cleared committee and will move to the Senate Floor.

The Iowa Senator was an original co-sponsor of S.R. 2517 -- also known as the Combat Terrorist Use of Social Media Act of 2016. Speaking in front of the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee Wednesday, Ernst said the bill would require the Obama Administration to fulfill a promise it made to the American people.

"This will require the Obama Administration to fulfill a promise that they made back in 2011 to develop a comprehensive strategy to counter and prevent violent extremism and online radicalization," said Ernst.

Ernst says the President lacks a comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS.

"This legislation will ensure that (Obama) must at least present a strategy (ISIS') use of social media to spread terror," said Ernst.

The act would require the Obama Administration to prepare a report on terrorists' and terrorist organizations' use of social media and an evaluation of current government efforts to combat such use. The act would also require the President to submit a comprehensive strategy to counter terrorists' and terrorist organizations' use of social media. The other co-sponsor of the legislation is Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ). The act is a companion to H.R. 3654 that passed the House last December.