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Audubon County Advocate Journal: Ernst Visits Audubon

Senator Joni Ernst took questions on a variety of topics from trade to mental health issues, from presidential powers to finding ways to work together across the aisle in Washington, in order to get things done.

She visited Audubon as part of her 99 county tour on Saturday, Feb. 9, taking time to get to know what constituents are concerned about.

Instead of beginning with a report or statement, she took questions from the audience of about 70, discussing issues from trade issues and Iowa farmers, how to encourage people to get into politics, being respectful and tolerant, rural broadband, mental health issues and more.

She was asked about reports of drugs being brought in to the country, about how to encourage the expansion of rural broadband to rural areas, about mental health issues, and her “Squeal Awards.”

Working with people on both sides of the aisle, to get things done in Washington, D.C. [sic], was important, she said, adding that she thought politicians from Iowa could help get things done. “We all see the good in working (things) through,” she said.

“I think we can set the example, and what you have seen Chuck Grassley do for, oh gosh, this is his 39th year of doing the 99 county tour - and this is my fifth year,” she said. “It sets a great example for others that we work with in Washington, D.C. some folks say, ‘You are crazy for doing that,’ but I don’t think so at all, because I hear directly from the people I represent. Sometimes they are angry sometimes they are really supportive but you need to know that if you want to write good legislation and address their concerns.”

Getting things done on both sides of the aisle is easier when legislators find topics they share interest in, and are passionate about.

To read the article in full, click here (subscription required).
