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Ernst, Lawmakers Push For WASP Burials At Arlington National Cemetery

WASHINGTON, D.C. (KCRG-TV9) - Iowa Republican Senator Joni Ernst joined lawmakers and others to honor the women who flew military planes during World War II.

Lawmakers are pushing companion legislation to have the ashes of former WASP members laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery.

WASP stands for Women Air Force Service Pilots. They transported those military planes and often trained men to fly them.

Their ashes were allowed to be interned at Arlington until last year, and now WASP family members and lawmakers including Ernst want to allow that again.

"I do think that it is ironic that the military is opening all avenues, combat roles for women, yet they're turning their backs on these women pioneers," said Ernst.

Family members of WASPs started a petition with the goal to change the law.