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Ernst visits Cherokee lab

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst (R-Red Oak) visited Cherokee this week and while here took a tour of the Foundation Analytical Laboratory on Tuesday afternoon.

During Ersnt’s guided tour of the facility she learned how the renowned Cherokee lab analyzes feed ingredients and final rations to determine their nutritional value. Additionally, they can help design a detailed program to monitor consistency and ensure ongoing product quality. It employs approximately nine science lab technicians.

After the tour Ernst sat down with staff and told them what she was doing to improve Iowa’s representation in the Senate. They discussed renewable fuel and farming economy. She then gave a background on herself.

“Iowans know what is best for Iowa, which is why one of my priorities every year is to complete a 99 county tour across the state to visit with as many fellow Iowans as possible. I have held town meetings across Iowa, and visited manufacturers, agricultural operations, small businesses, hospitals, schools, and more.”

"The 99 county tour across Iowa gives me the opportunity to hear Iowans’ concerns, ideas, and questions firsthand and work to translate that feedback into actions in Washington.”