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Ernst Bill to Reduce Harmful Regulations Moves Forward

Prove It Act passes House committee.

WASHINGTON – After an article this week revealed the Biden-Harris regulatory agenda has increased costs for Americans by $1.68 trillion and created 324.7 million hours of paperwork, the House Small Business Committee passed the Prove It Act. The bill, which was originally introduced by U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), forces federal agencies to demonstrate that any new regulation is compliant with existing laws and considers the indirect and direct costs placed on small businesses.

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have pursued the most expansive regulatory agenda in history, and Iowa small businesses are paying the price,” said Ernst, Ranking Member of the Senate Small Business Committee. “If bureaucrats want to extend the long arms of government even further, they need to prove what they are doing is legal and provide a price tag. I am thrilled the House Small Business Committee is continuing my fight against runaway bureaucracy, and I hope the Senate puts the bill up for a vote soon to deliver a win for hardworking people.”


The Prove It Act would:

  • Create a way for small businesses to raise concerns when regulators do not consider both the direct and indirect costs their regulations place on them,
  • Allow small businesses to ask their chief advocate in government to review agencies’ work and make the government prove they are fully compliant with existing laws,
  • Exempt small businesses from the agency’s regulations altogether if regulators fail to comply with this review process, and
  • Ensure small businesses can easily access preexisting guidance documents online and create a way for small businesses to directly raise questions or concerns with their regulators.
