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Ernst Blasts Biden-Harris Admin for Nearly $300 Million Handout to the Taliban

WASHINGTON – After an explosive report revealed the Biden-Harris administration sent $293 million to the Taliban, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) sent a letter to President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken blasting them for funding a terrorist organization and demanding they immediately rectify the situation.

In addition to sending the letter, Ernst is proposing legislation to track and publicly disclose any tax dollars the Pentagon sends to the Taliban or any other foreign adversary.


"After leaving billions in cutting-edge military equipment behind during the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have given the Taliban $293 million in cold hard cash,” said Ernst. “The American people deserve better than the complete amateur hour occurring at the White House and State Department. I’m demanding accountability.”

Click here to read the full letter.


Senator Ernst amended her TRACKS Act to include entities of particular concern, such as terrorists groups including the Taliban.

The bill, which previously only covered America’s foreign adversaries such as China and Russia, requires every penny from the U.S. government paid to a foreign adversary to be tracked and publicly disclosed.

After the Biden-Harris administration greenlit funding for Afghanistan, Senator Ernst raised serious concerns in January 2022 that tax dollars would be sent to the Taliban and demanded a full accounting of the funds.
