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Ernst Blasts Biden’s EV “Road to Nowhere”

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) called out Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s failed electric vehicle (EV) road trip as another example of the Biden administration’s delusional EV fantasy. Ernst pointed out that Granholm’s vehicle could not make it from Charlotte to Memphis without incident, while the administration expects to transition our military’s nontactical fleet to electric by 2030.


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In April, Ernst slammed the misplaced priorities of this administration and the dangers it poses to military readiness. She forced Secretary Granholm to agree that China controls the EV supply chain and to concede the need for mining and processing in the United States.

Last year, when Democrats tried to lock the military’s electric mandate into law, Ernst intervened and included a limitation to ensure that no vehicle component made from slave labor can be used for transitioning the fleet.
