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Ernst Blasts Biden’s Mass Amnesty Plan

Biden’s political border order was never about border security.

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) today called out Biden’s new mass amnesty plan, which proves Biden’s political border order was purely for political cover. She pointed out examples of how Biden’s open border has endangered American lives, including by allowing eight ISIS-linked terrorists to infiltrate our homeland.

2024-06-18 Stakeout SC

Watch her full remarks here.


To protect Iowans from Biden’s border disaster, Ernst is leading Sarah’s Law to ensure any illegal immigrant who kills or harms an American is held accountable, but Democrats have blocked this commonsense bill.

She has also been calling on President Biden to put taxpayer-funded border wall materials to use for well over a year. She led the BUILD IT Act and was an original cosponsor of the FINISH IT Act, which was included in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024.
