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Ernst Demands Accountability for Secretary of Defense Chain of Command Crisis

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, questioned the failures related to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s incapacitation and transfer of authority.

In a letter to Secretary Austin, lawmakers expressed concern that the Secretary’s actions are in violation of the law and requested an immediate update on the timeline of events subsequent to the Secretary falling ill. The failures displayed constitute an alarming threat to our continuity of government and national security during a very dangerous time for our nation.

“We are deeply troubled by the apparent breakdown in communications between your office and the rest of the Department of Defense, the White House, and Congress over the past two weeks,” the lawmakers wrote. “The department’s failure to immediately inform the President, Congress, and the Comptroller General of the United States of your incapacitation clearly contravenes the requirements of the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998. Further, the apparent failure to even notify your lawful successor in this case is a massive failure of judgment and negligence. It is an intolerable breach of trust with the American people at a dangerous moment for U.S. national security.”

The members requested a full timeline of the events over the last two weeks be accounted for. They are also demanding more information about the role staff at the Department played in delaying the transmission of critical information, and if similar transfers of authority have occurred in the past without Congressional notification.

“Our branches of government share a sacred obligation to work together to keep the American people safe,” the lawmakers continued. “We cannot do this without clear and open communication. Your statement provided on January 6th is wholly insufficient to address the situation. Accordingly, we need immediate clarification from the Department of Defense on the timeline of events related to your incapacitation, how the department interpreted the laws and regulations regarding the performance of duties and responsibilities of the Secretary of Defense during a vacancy, and the department’s views on how it complied with statutory Congressional notification requirements from December 22, 2023, to the present day.”

The full letter can be found here or below.
