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Ernst Effort to Promote Access to Safe, Effective Birth Control Gains Support

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Joni Ernst’s (R-Iowa) Allowing Greater Access to Safe and Effective Contraception Act is gaining the support of her senate colleagues.

Congresswoman Ashley Hinson (R-Iowa) is introducing this legislation in the House of Representatives. The bill has also gained the support of International Women’s Voice.

“Despite the fearmongering from the left, it’s clear Republicans have solutions to support women and families, and they are gaining momentum,” said Senator Ernst. “My bill will increase over-the-counter contraception options while bringing much-needed transparency to ensure the government uses tax dollars to support families. I’ll continue to stand up for women’s access to safe and effective birth control while creating accountability for the Democrats’ radical agenda.”

“While Democrats would rather use this issue to fearmonger in hopes of improving their own electoral prospects, the Republican-led Allowing Greater Access to Safe and Effective Contraception Act increases access to over-the-counter options for women and families across the country, all while upholding conscience protections for millions of Americans with deeply held moral and religious beliefs,” said Senator Thune. “I’m grateful for Senator Ernst’s leadership on this issue.”

“While Democrats continue to hold show votes on extreme legislation, I am proud to join this effort that provides a commonsense path forward for easier access to safe birth control, including those in rural areas,” said Senator Capito. “Increasing over-the-counter contraception options and gaining a better understanding of where federal funding for contraception is currently going will enable us to better target the gaps that may be impacting access and where resources may be duplicated or misallocated.”

“Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats are lying to the American people because they are behind in the polls so they came up with an absurd claim that we oppose contraception,” said Senator Daines. “Nothing could be further from the truth. There is not a single Republican senator who opposes access to contraception and Senate Democrats should be ashamed of lying to women and families to score political points. I support the commonsense measures in Senator Ernst’s bill.”

“Women, including those in rural areas, should have ready access to safe, effective and affordable contraception. I’m glad to join Senator Ernst on this important, commonsense measure,” said Senator Grassley.  

“I am proud to join Senator Ernst in introducing the Allowing Greater Access to Safe and Effective Contraception Act. This bill will support women and families while ensuring taxpayer dollars are not used to fund abortions,” said Senator Young.

“Safe and effective contraceptives, including over-the-counter options, are widely available – and I am committed to ensuring that continues to be the reality,” said Senator Tillis. “Instead of playing political games by pushing partisan bills that take away parental rights and infringe on religious freedoms, Senate Democrats should join us on this legislation to further expand access to contraception options.”

“This commonsense legislation would provide women more access and options when it comes to contraception while also increasing transparency and ensuring taxpayer dollars are used responsibly, and I’m glad to support it,” said Senator Cornyn.

"The Allowing Greater Access to Safe and Effective Contraception Act is a step forward in providing essential contraception to those who need it while also ensuring taxpayer funds aren’t being used to fund abortions and abortion providers,” said Dr. Paul.

“Texans and Americans should have access to safe and effective over-the-counter contraception. This bill recognizes that in a way that also respects life, and I'm proud to support it,” said Senator Cruz.

"Regardless of the Left's fearmongering tactics during an election year, Republicans have and always will be the pro-life, pro-women, and pro-family party," said Senator Marshall. "I am proud to support Senator Ernst's legislation that increases availability and accessibility to safe birth control options. In the face of Democrats' radical abortion-on-demand agenda, this bill brings much-needed transparency to the dangerous drugs being used, how our tax dollars are being spent, and focuses on helping women have greater access to safe and effective birth control."

Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho) are also supporting this bill.

“Contraception should be legal and widely accessible. Women should have over-the-counter access to birth control. This would free birth control from excessive regulation and ultimately remove the barrier between women and birth control at the pharmacy counter, giving women more control over their own healthcare decisions. Senator Ernst understands this and we are grateful,” said Carrie Lukas, Vice President of Independent Women's Voice.


Since 2017, Ernst has been working to provide access to safe and effective over-the-counter birth control.
