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Ernst: Enough of Kamala’s Tongue Twisters

No matter how she twists it, Kamala owns the crises this White House has created.

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) blasted Vice President Kamala Harris for trying to twist her way out of responsibility for prices spinning out of control, despite casting the tie-breaking votes on trillions in reckless spending and imposing the most expansive regulatory agenda in history.

Ernst pointed out that San Francisco liberal Kamala Harris’ plan to enact communist price controls would be game over for hardworking Americans.

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Click here to watch Senator Ernst’s full remarks.


Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, inflation is costing the average household $1,100 each month.

As Ranking Member of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, Ernst has exposed how this administration’s regulatory agenda is imposing $1.68 trillion in costs on Americans and has created 324 million hours of paperwork, a burden that disproportionately falls on small businesses.
