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Ernst Exposes Biden “Campaign Signs” Paid for by Taxpayers

Gives June 2024 Squeal Award to the White House OMB for playing politics with taxpayer money

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) is calling out the Biden administration for putting up thousands of billboards along roads and other publicly-funded projects all over the country declaring they were “funded by President Joe Biden.” Americans know heisn’t funding anything – he’s charging his trillion-dollar spending spree to taxpayers.

In a letter to White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Shalanda D. Young, Ernst demanded public disclosure of the exact number of signs and costs to produce them. She also requested the legal thought process behind using official government resources to create campaign advertisements and how they comply with the Highway Beautification Act, which limits signs and billboards along roadways.

“Political campaign signs are not infrastructure,” said Ernst. “President Biden wants you to know he is spending your money – and lots of it. He is clearly using the ‘Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’ as a piggy bank to pay for partisan pork projects to aid his re-election while real infrastructure, like roads and bridges, is crumbling before our eyes. I’m forcing the Biden administration to provide taxpayers with a full accounting of the costs of these ‘campaign signs.’”

In the letter, Ernst pointed out that the number of car repairs caused by potholes has increased since Biden signed his “infrastructure” law, with some streets in such dire conditions that folks are literally raising money on GoFundMe to fill local potholes. Perhaps the reason there is no money for potholes is because $7.5 billion was spent to make just seven electric vehicle charging stations, and $8.3 billion was spent on Nancy Pelosi’s pet rail project to nowhere that is on track to be one of the most expensive transit projects in the world.

That is why Senator Ernst gave her June 2024 Squeal Award to the White House Office of Management and Budget for playing politics with taxpayer money.
