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Ernst Fights to Stop SBA Political Activity on the Taxpayer's Dime

WASHINGTON – Following reports of illegal electioneering at Biden’s Small Business Administration (SBA), U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Ranking Member of the Senate Small Business Committee, is working to stop the SBA from using taxpayer dollars for political activity.

She recently joined Congressman Roger Williams (R-Texas), Chairman of the House Committee on Small Business, in demanding calendar records from SBA leaders and working to get answers on behalf of the American people.

Republicans To Small Business Administration On ‘Bidenbucks’ Coverup: Stop Stonewalling

“Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, ranking member on the Senate’s Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, said it was ‘beyond disturbing’ that Biden’s Small Business Administration (SBA) is using untold amounts of taxpayer money to register voters and participate in politically motivated travel.”

“’I came to Washington to make bureaucrats squeal, and I won’t sit idly by as Biden officials shirk their responsibilities and hide their misdoings from Congress. As Ranking Member of the Senate Small Business Committee, I will continue fighting tooth and nail to hold the SBA accountable.”

“Ernst and Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas, chairman of the House Committee on Small Business, have demanded answers about the SBA’s involvement in a voter registration effort in Michigan, one of several swing states expected to play a significant role in electing the next president.”

[Committee] demands Biden agency staff reveal travel history amid electioneering claims

Republican leaders in the House and Senate sent a joint letter Thursday morning to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) demanding travel schedules, official calendars and other documents from the cabinet agency amid allegations it is involved in partisan voter registration outreach in key swing states like Michigan.”

“Republican Rep. Roger Williams of Texas and Republican Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa demanded the SBA comply with congressional oversight on the matter, which has also led to at least one Freedom of Information Act lawsuit from a government watchdog earlier this week.”

“Ernst said the federal government should help struggling small businesses in the Biden economy, and that ‘open[ing] the books’ is overdue for transparency's sake.”

Biden SBA officials ‘stonewall’ after being subpoenaed for alleged election scheme

“Ernst, the ranking member on the panel in the upper chamber, recently sent a letter to SBA Administrator Isabel Guzman, demanding answers after an undercover video was posted on X by a conservative video activist showing an adviser talking about how Guzman travels across the country to help elect Democrats.”

“Ernst sent the letter last month, demanding more information from Guzman, looking into whether the agency violated the Hatch Act, which was intended to stop the federal government from affecting elections or acting in a partisan manner. The law applies to federal employees as well as state and local employees who work with federally funded programs.”
