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Ernst Hears Directly from Iowans, Discusses Work for Small Businesses

In a virtual meeting with members of the Ames Chamber of Commerce, the Iowa senator discussed her continued work to support small businesses, workers, and families

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) spoke with members of the Ames Chamber of Commerce today to discuss her continued efforts to support Iowa’s small businesses. The senator reiterated her priorities for helping Iowans in the upcoming COVID-19 relief package – including additional assistance for small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program.

Ernst on the virtual call with members of the Ames Chamber of Commerce

“During my 99 County Tour, telephone town halls, and virtual meetings, like the one I hosted today, I’ve been hearing directly from Iowans about the importance of the Paycheck Protection Program when it comes to helping Iowa workers and our small businesses,” said Senator Ernst, a member of the Senate Small Business Committee. “I’m continuing my work to ensure additional support for Iowa’s hardest-hit small businesses, workers, and families is included in the next COVID-19 relief package.”

“We are so grateful for the relationship we have with Senator Ernst and all of our elected officials. We appreciate her willingness to listen to our members and help address key issues facing our business community,” said Andrea Hammes Dodge, Vice President, Ames Chamber of Commerce.


Last week, Senator Ernst joined the Dubuque Chamber of Commerce and discussed the need to support schools, to provide additional assistance through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), and to support child care providers and families, including her bill, the Back to Work Child Care Grants Act, which is included in the HEALS Act.
