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Ernst Helps Lead Bipartisan Effort to Support Ukraine Against Russian Military Aggression

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a member of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, is helping lead a bipartisan effort expressing support for an independent and democratic Ukraine—one that is secure against further Russian military aggression. The resolution—led by U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)—comes as Russian forces build up on the Ukrainian border, fueling tensions and raising concerns that Russia is planning a military offensive against the nation.
“Keeping America safe at home means standing with our friends and partners in the fight against authoritarianism and those who mean to do us harm, like Vladimir Putin. As a key partner to our nation, the United States must continue to support the Ukrainian people and their democratic government. This bipartisan effort makes it clear to Vladimir Putin that America is watching—and calls on the Biden administration to take necessary steps to provide aid to Ukraine, protect its sovereignty, and prioritize America’s national security interests,” said Senator Ernst.
“As Ukraine continues to face mounting intimidation and military threats from Russia, the U.S. reaffirms its support for the Ukrainian people and their desire for a democratic and secure nation. Today’s resolution clearly demonstrates that message from the United States Senate,” said Senator Durbin.
"The United States cannot ignore Putin's latest efforts to rob the Ukrainian people of their sovereignty,” said Senator Cornyn. “But Putin should know that America is watching and both Democrats and Republicans agree that this aggression must stop. This bipartisan resolution calls on the Administration to support Ukraine’s sovereignty by providing lethal aid to bolster Ukrainian armed forces and reaffirm our commitment to our European allies, as well as hold Putin accountable for his thuggery."
“I am proud to join my colleagues on this bipartisan resolution in support of Ukraine.  As the Co-Chair of the Ukraine Caucus, I have worked closely with Senator Durbin and my fellow Republican members to support Ukraine—diplomatically, militarily and economically.  Now, as Russia positions more than 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border—threatening their freedom and territorial sovereignty—we must do all we can to stand with Ukraine,” said Senator Portman.
“While there are issues in Congress drawn around party lines, support for our democratic partners in Ukraine is not one of them. This bipartisan resolution is a clear message of support to Ukraine and a fierce rebuke to Putin’s increased aggression. It is also a reflection of our warning to Putin that we are watching,” said Senator Shaheen. “His military buildup along Ukraine’s border and continued provocations only strengthen U.S. resolve to support Ukraine and its sovereignty. I’ll continue to work across the aisle in Congress to ensure the administration has the tools necessary to bolster our partners’ defense capabilities and keep Putin’s malign behavior at bay.”
For full text of the resolution, click here.