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Ernst: Kick ‘Creeps’ Out of the Federal Workplace

The senator’s latest bill continues her commitment toward ending sexual violence and holding Washington bureaucrats accountable

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA), a survivor and outspoken leader on the issue of combating sexual violence, is introducing legislation to ensure federal employees and contractors who are convicted of sexual assault face serious consequences for their actions, including termination.

“As a survivor, I understand the dire seriousness of addressing and combating sexual assault; it has no place in our society, including in the workplace,” said Senator Joni Ernst. “My straightforward bill will help ensure federal employees convicted of sexual assault—who are working on the taxpayer’s dime—are held accountable and face necessary consequences.”

Senator Ernst has long fought to address and combat sexual violence, including working on legislation to improve reporting and data collection methods on incidents occurring in the military and the federal government.


The Compulsory Requirement to Eliminate Employees who are Perpetrators of Sexual assault (CREEPS) Act gives federal agencies and other entities employing personnel for the federal government the authority to remove an employee convicted of sexual assault or found to have committed such an offense by an administrative body while employed by the federal government. It provides that such an individual is first given an opportunity for a hearing.

The bill also prohibits an employee of a federal agency or contractor from receiving a raise, bonus, or promotion for a period of five years after they are convicted by a court or found guilty by an administrative board of committing sexual assault. It requires that any contractor working with the federal government have mirroring policies in place.
