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Ernst Slams White House for Underfunding Veterans After Giving Millions to Taliban and China

WASHINGTON – After a report revealed the Biden-Harris administration underbudgeted promises to veterans by $15 billion, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a combat veteran, blasted the White House for handing over $293 million to the Taliban and having no clue how many millions it gave to Chinese labs for risky research.

After the Biden-Harris administration lost track of tax dollars being sent to mad scientists in China, Ernst is introducing the Chinese Laboratory Accountability and Watchful Spending (CLAWS) Act, which would require the Office of Management and Budget to annually disclose all taxpayer-funded research conducted in China.

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are undervaluing our heroes and underwriting our adversaries,” said Ernst. “When you ask why there are millions for the Taliban and China but not enough for veterans, it appears the cat has this administration’s tongue. We can claw back taxpayer dollars by ending support for terrorist groups, exposing all funding for batty experiments in China, and giving our veterans the highest quality of care.”

"Taxpayers have a right to know how much of their money is being recklessly shipped to Chinese animal labs that butcher beagles, poison puppies, and supercharge viruses in cruel and dangerous experiments. As the organization that first exposed Fauci’s funding for the Wuhan animal lab and ongoing U.S. government funding for dog tests and dozens of other animal labs in China, we applaud Senator Ernst and Representative Langworthy for introducing the common-sense CLAWS Act to crack down on Uncle Sam’s wasteful spending in China’s unaccountable animal labs," said Justin Goodman, White Coat Waste Project Senior Vice President.


Over the past four years, Ernst has led the charge in conducting oversight investigations exposing the millions of taxpayer dollars being paid to laboratories and institutions in China and led the successful effort to defund and debar China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.

She is the sponsor of the Accountability in Foreign Animal Research (AFAR) Act banning taxpayer funding of animal research in Chinese, Russian, and Iranian labs.

Last month, Senator Ernst blasted the White House for sending $293 million to the Taliban and amended her TRACKS Act to track and publicly disclose any tax dollars the Pentagon sends to the Taliban or any other foreign adversary.

Last week, she championed the Protecting Regular Order (PRO) for Veterans Act to hold the Department of Veterans Affairs accountable for a Veterans Benefits Administration budget shortfall of $15 billion.
