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Ernst Statement on Border Funding Bill

WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) released the following statement on the Senate’s passage of compromise legislation to provide funding for border security and complete the appropriations process to fund the government through fiscal year 2019:

“Negotiating in good faith and working towards a compromise means both sides get things they want and things they don’t. There’s a lot of good in this compromise legislation, but there are also parts that fall short,” said Senator Joni Ernst.

“We successfully fought back against radical and unreasonable positions from our Democratic colleagues—like abolishing ICE and borders all together—in order to reach a deal that provides critical funds for border security and gives the president the tools to curb illegal immigration and the flow of drugs into Iowa and the rest of the country.

“However, I’m frustrated this bill fails to extend the Violence Against Women Act, legislation I have long called on to be modernized and reauthorized. It also contains a provision that could hamstring federal law enforcement efforts and open the door for illegal criminals to evade deportation using vulnerable children. While it sets up the critical framework for a border wall, I’m concerned there are provisions tucked into this compromise bill that will actually establish roadblocks for wall construction in areas where it is needed.

“At the end of the day, this legislation is a key starting point that will allow the president to move forward on desperately needed border security efforts.”