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Biden Used Emergency Waivers to Help Solar Panel Industry. Ernst Wants to Know: Why Not Help Farmers with Fertilizer Waivers?

On her 99 County Tour, Ernst has consistently heard from Iowa farmers about the impact of massively increased fertilizer costs and has been pushing for solutions.

WASHINGTON – After President Biden used a “declaration of emergency” to help out the solar panel industry with special import waivers, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee and a fierce champion for Iowa farmers, has a simple question for the president: why can’t you help our farmers with waivers on fertilizers too?

As fertilizer costs spike by as much as 300% in some cases over the last year because of a severe supply shortage, Ernst has joined a group of senators in sending a letter to President Biden requesting that he invoke his authority to waive duties on fertilizer imports, similar to the action the president took just weeks earlier to help out the solar industry.

In their letter, the lawmakers write: “As you know, America is facing a serious supply shortage of fertilizers, leading to record high fertilizer prices. […] You have the authority to provide farmers with immediate relief from these inflationary tariffs, somewhat similarly as you did for the solar industry in your June 6 Proclamation [for solar panels]. In fact, the justifications mentioned in your June 6 Proclamation are far more applicable to shortages farmers face with fertilizer than any emergency concerning solar panels, as the subsequent decrease in food production will increase prices at the grocery store and increase food insecurity.”

They go on: “The bottom line is that fertilizer is critical to national security and national defense. Its affordability is also critical to wrangling out-of-control inflation. As such, we strongly encourage you to take immediate action to waive duties on fertilizer imports from Morocco and Trinidad and Tobago.”

Ernst has consistently heard from Iowa farmers about the impact of increased fertilizer costs on her 99 County Tour and has been pushing for solutions. Just weeks ago, she hosted a roundtable discussion in Iowa with farmers, industry professionals, and federal and state policymakers to discuss how the historic prices are impacting farmers and the industry.

She also sent a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai with Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) urging for affordable and accessible inputs for America’s farmers and agriculture producers. The senators implored the Ambassador to prioritize producers’ fertilizer needs immediately.

Click HERE to read the senators’ letter to President Biden.
