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Ernst Works to Promote Access to Safe, Effective Birth Control

New bill will increase access to and availability of over-the-counter contraception.

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) is introducing new legislation to promote access to and availability of safe and effective contraception for women and families.

“In the face of Democrats’ radical abortion on demand, I am proud to provide women greater access to safe and effective birth control,” Ernst said. “My bill will increase over-the-counter contraception options while bringing much-needed transparency and accountability to ensure the government uses tax dollars to support families.

“Despite attacks from the same far left that promotes drugs that endanger women and encourages the death of the unborn, Republicans will always stand up for families and continue to protect life while supporting policies that equip women to raise children to live the American Dream.”

Specifically, the Allowing Greater Access to Safe and Effective Contraception Act:

  • Increases availability of birth control options on the market,
  • Gives women more access to over-the-counter contraception options,
  • Brings transparency to how government agencies are spending tax dollars to support women and families, and
  • Ensures tax dollars are not being used to destroy life by funding abortions or abortion providers.